Make Money. Save Money. Visit us at 10 New Karner Road, Guilderland, NY 12084 | Questions? Call 518-452-1812
I understand that even if I myself do not THOROUGHLY read the agreement below, my signature states that I understand that I will be held to every term within it & Polkadots cannot be held liable for my misunderstanding.
ALL items I have brought in today belong to me & I have the right to sell them.
I will wait in the store while a staff member goes through my items.
Polkadots will offer your consigned item(s) for sale at Polkadots for 60 days. Designer items and formal apparel is often allowed to stay for 6 months, at our discretion. We will tell you at your appointment if this is the case for your particular item(s).
As your items sell, 40% of the sale price is automatically transferred into your consignor account for items tagged at $40 or less. 50% of the sale price will be transferred to your account for items tagged at $40.01 or more. A small fee, paid by the purchaser, will be added to the tagged price of all consigned items. This fee is retained by the store.
How Polkadots Pays Consignors:
You may leave your balance on your account to use as store credit.
You may come into the store ANY time to be paid cash for your account balance.
If you would prefer a check, please call the store to request one.
If your item(s) do(es) not sell, you are welcome to pick them up at the end of your consigning period (60 days plus 1 week grace period-this is your pickup date). You alone are responsible for remembering when it is time to pick up your items, so mark your calendar! If you do want to pick up any unsold items*, you must contact us at least 48 hours before pick up to request that we pull your items from the sales floor for you. Once items are pulled, you will have no later than your pick up date to retrieve them.
If you do not come in to pick up your items at the end of your consigning period, your items will become property of Polkadots to resell or donate.
Consignors are not allowed to pick items up before the end of the 60 day consigning period.
It is your responsibility to keep track of when your items are due to be picked up. Polkadots will NOT contact you when/if your items sell. You may check on your balance any time by stopping into the store or contacting us via email, Facebook, or telephone.
Polkadots determines all pricing at our own discretion. If there is an item or two you need a specific price on, you must let us know at the time of drop off/appointment, during which we can discuss whether we will be able to accommodate you.
Polkadots holds various sales / promotions each & every day, which can include your item(s). We have the right to host any sale at any time, without notifying the consignor.
Every now and then, a staff member or customer may find that an item has a stain/damage/ flaw/ is not thoroughly cleaned, etc. that went unobserved when the item was originally dropped off. Polkadots will use its judgment, however Polkadots does reserve the right to donate the item/s to a worthy organization without notifying the consignor.
Polkadots cannot be held responsible for any damage or theft that could occur to your item(s) while in our store. When/if you pick up unsold items, we will not be able to reimburse you for an(y) item(s) that cannot be found. We do our absolute best to prevent anything from happening to ALL items that are in our store.
My signature states that everything brought in to sell at Polkadots belongs to me and that everything I have entered on the form is true, & I agree to Polkadots Consignment Shop's 2024 Consignor Agreement and all consignment terms noted above.