Make Money. Save Money. Visit us at 10 New Karner Road, Guilderland, NY 12084 | Questions? Call 518-452-1812
Do I need to make an appointment?
Non-clothing items may be brought in for consignment without an appointment any day, any time. Clothing items for consignment can be brought in without an appointment on the select days listed on our website (currently Jan. 5-10). (Click here if you want to receive Fast Cash for any/all of your items instead.)
You can Drop & Run as few as 10pcs & no more than 100pcs pieces at a time on the days provided.
All items must be impeccably clean! Filter through and prepare your items BEFORE you bring them into the store. We will not give you cleaning supplies to clean your items once you are here.
Items must be neatly organized in clean boxes/bins.
All items must be in excellent to new condition and free from stains, holes, odors (smoke, food, etc), pet hair, structural damage/cracks, and any other flaws.
Toys & any items with pieces/attachments must have pieces contained in ziploc bags so that we can safely display them for sale.
RE-CALLED GOODS - You are responsible for checking for re-calls before bringing your items into the store. Many baby items are recalled each year & it is illegal for us to resell them unless they have repair kits already installed. Click here for a great resource in tracking re-called items.
All electronic & battery operated items must be tested in store. If we cannot see that an item works when you bring it in, we cannot accept it. (You are welcome to take your batteries back after the item is proven to work.)
A 2016 consignor agreement is required before consigning any items. Click here to thoroughly read through, initial & then sign the agreement online.
(currently only being accepted Jan 5-10, watch for more dates after that)
1. We only accept current, trendy styles of clothing! Please do not bring us clothing that has been stored away for years & years. At this time we do not accept vintage clothing.
2. We do not accept wedding gowns but we do accept prom, evening, & formal apparel that is in style. We also accept First Communion & Baptism pieces.
3. Clothing must be neatly folded in clean closed top boxes/bins with lids.
4. We do not accept clothing on hangers. (We have hangers that we will use.)
5. We only select certain brands. (Click here for a list.)
6. A current, updated consignor agreement is required before consigning any items. Click here to sign the agreement online.
Seasonal Clothing Schedule
January-March: SPRING
March-June: SUMMER
July-September: FALL
September-December: WINTER
Used Comforters
Used Mattresses
Used Electric Breast Pumps
Underwear that is not new with tags/in original packaging
Recalled items that have not been safely fixed with manufacturer recall kit
Drop side cribs (even if it has a recall kit installed on it)
KNOCK OFF handbags/wallets/sunglasses/clothing
....Knock off ANYTHING! We can be fined, shut down & even put in jail for selling items that are not authentic. We will always pass on them. Please do not bring them to us!
And anything that doesn't follow our brands, condition or presentation requirements.
*Why would you pass on some/all of my items?*
We cannot take the time to individually explain why we are passing on an item. After years of experience, a pass could simply be because we have learned a certain style/brand doesn't sell well. We may also pass if the item/s are not in the required condition or presentation, or if we have too much of one style/item. Please, do not be offended! Passes happen to everyone, including our own staff! Just trust that we are going to take the items that will sell the best and earn you the most money.